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Featured consultations

Vision Zero strategy

Vision Zero Strategy – Ending Road Death and Life-Changing Injury on Greater Manchester’s roads Almost 10,000 people have been killed or suffered life-changing injuries on Greater Manchester’s roads in the last 10 years. Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has now endorsed a draft Vison Zero Strategy for the city-region. It aims to eliminate road death and life-changing injury by 2040, with a target to achieve a 50 per cent reduction by 2030. The intention is to increase...

Good Landlord Charter

The Good Landlord Charter is intended to be the first of its kind: an ambitious new voluntary standard for landlord excellence, no matter what kind of housing they let. It would support landlords to improve practice regardless of whether they are in the private or social rented sector, mainstream or specialist housing.

Have your say

Current opportunities to get involved

Report a traffic disruption

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are currently undertaking four priority highway improvement schemes. When completed these schemes will greatly improve traffic flow and local journey times. We are striving to minimise traffic disruption during the construction period of the schemes, but we would like to hear your experiences of whether there have been delays to your...

Proposal to implement a Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. Nitrogen dioxide is a brown gas, with the chemical formula NO 2 . It is chemically related to nitric oxide (nitrogen monoxide), a colourless gas with the chemical formula NO. NO 2 is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels (i.e., coal, gas etc.). We have collected air pollution data around Edinburgh and mapped it out to...

Cycle lane proposal

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We have been working hard to tranform our transport system into a more efficient and safer network for citizens, while also contributing to a reduction in pollution levels. Previous research has indicated that citizens often don't feel safe cycling around Arlen Hill due to high levels of congestion and very few designated cycle routes, we aim to...

Recently closed consultations and engagement

Issues we’ve asked you about in the past that are now closed

Youth council

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded.

Vote for your favourite park

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded.

What do you want to see in Antree Park?

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded.

Your impact

Issues we have consulted on and their outcomes

We asked

Arlen Hill asked residents and stakeholders what their thoughts were about the council’s draft Climate Emergency Strategy, and what their top priorities are for which actions the council should take first.

You said

We received over 2000 responses from residents, local businesses and environmental groups. Most respondents supported the draft Strategy in broad terms, but many also left us useful suggestions.

In terms of climate priorities, the top rated actions were:

  • Transport: Arlen Hill urgently needs to reduce congestion on the roads and improve public transport so that people can get around without driving.
  • Financial support: Many businesses are worried about the potential of rising business rates and the increasing cost of energy. Commuters are also concerned about Clean Air Zone charges, especially those on low incomes. Arlen Hill should provide support in these areas.
  • Home insulation: Arlen Hill should prioritise getting all council-owned buildings upgraded and insulated, as well as installing solar panels wherever possible.

We did

We’re updating the Climate Strategy to reflect your comments and concerns as well as your top priorities. Work has already started on insulating council buildings and we will bring out consultations on the top three priority areas (transport, financial support, home insulation) as soon as possible.

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